Urgent information – 27th April

We have been informed from Electricity North West they will be completing some works on sub-stations situated within the service yard on Thursday 27th April 2017.

These works will have an effect on Manchester Fort Shopping Park, with power supply disruption from 20.30. The following must be adhered to on this evening: –
. All stores affected must be closed by 20-30 with business’s clear as there will be no power.
. A call out list available for that evening for each retailer available for alarm disruption etc. We need to have the names and contact details by 14th April 2017.
. All measures to be in place to further limit any potential fire hazard.
. No deliveries between 21.00 – 5.00.

Manchester Fort Shopping Park will have a full security team on site for the duration of the works.

A letter is also being forwarded to head offices to inform of the works taking place.

Please ensure all precautions are taken into consideration.

Alert – Manchester Day of Action for Palestinian Prisoners 15/04/17

Louis Brehony facebook event – Solidarity protest for Palestine

Call to release all political prisoners in Israeli jails, picket will target shops and banks – taking place in Piccadilly Gardens 12:00 – 15:00hrs 15th April 2017

GMP will be monitoring the event providing passing attention.

Welfare Concern

Greater Manchester Police have requested all businesses to be alert for a female presenting a card for payment in the name of T BANDA

Has recently stayed at a City Centre Hotel and has since left the room and left behind a substantial amount of high value clothing / goods.

Please ensure POS are advised and contact Pc Jo Shaw 07584 224981


Vigilance required

A member business recieved a small batch of counterfeit £20 notes. The three notes all had the same serial number. GC3009722.

All businesses are advised to be vigilant and ensure all relevant checks are carried out.

Report all incidents via BCUreporting@cityco.com or telephone 0161 838 327, for out of office hours leave a voicemail with your name, contact details and a brief account of the information.


Irish Parade – March 12th

The Irish Parade will take place on Sunday, March 12th and travel from Queens Road to Albert Square.

This will involve the closure of Cheetham Hill Road and impact access and egress to the Fort car park.

Cheetham Hill Road will be closed from 11:30am-1pm.

Vehicles will be managed by Manchester City Council stewards during breaks in the parade, but this will impact footfall.

High profile football fixture; Manchester United -v-St Etienne.

The above fixture will take place on 16/02/2017. It is anticipated that fans will be present in the City Centre prior to the fixture.

A comprehensive Police operation is planned aiming to keep disruption to a minimum.

Please refer to the attached letter from Greater Manchester Police outlining the objectives for the day in question.

Cloned cards

Please be aware of the use of cloned Credit Cards (both conventional and pre paid).

The offenders will be updated in due course.

BCU advice; Double check all transactions where a “swipe” as opposed to chip and pin is requested. Many overseas cards do not yet have chip and pin but you are perfectly entitled to conduct the usual security checks.

Reminder – February Intelligence Briefings

City Centre – Wednesday 8th February 10am – Debenhams 3rd floor training room

Fort Retail park – Wednesday 8th February 13.30pm – Centre Management Suite

Arndale Tenants Briefing – Thursday 9th February 11am – Arndale Management Suite

*City Centre Briefing* has a special guest speaker Denise Withey

We are pleased to welcome Denise who will provide an insight into the Immigration, Compliance & Enforcement Team – Greater Manchester and how we will work in partnership.

The information provided at this meeting will be cascaded to the Fort & Tenants briefings.

Austerity measures protest

On 04/02/17 organised by the Community Action Network. Event described as a fight back against gentrification and austerity and support for homeless people, taking place 14:00 – 00:00hrs. The exact location yet TBC but specified as 10 mins outside the City Centre,

Proposed protest in response to President Trumps policies.

On 04/02/2017 a protest in St Peter’s Square is scheduled for 14:00 – 17:00hrs re. President Trump’s Muslim ban. The protest organised by ‘Stand up to Racism Manchester’ as at 31/01/2017, 851 state they will attend with 2,800 showing an interest.